acqua blu del lago sirio

Lightworkers are coming together

Q: “I feel there is a lot of energy after the meeting with the group yesterday…i feel that you have something to say”

R: “You felt that way because you (as lightworkers) are coming together and this is the center of your existence; the coming together of all points of light to form a grid that illuminates the world. This grid will save the world. 

And to make sure that everyone understands that these are not delusions of grandeur, remember that the world is still a holographic projection.The world is simply a story of the Cosmic mind, nothing more than that; it is just like a movie, and everyone is indispensable to the movie, everyone is necessary. 

So, you are simply telling a story which is, in this case, the narrative of human beings. It’s a play that everyone in the Universe is rooting for right now because something relevant is happening. There is enormous cheering, enormous energy around the game that is being played. 

The thing that you are building…it’s not so much about fighting, the good against the evil. It certainly seems like you are witnessing a battle, but this is only apparent, since everything is contained in the one energy which is God, or you can call it any other way. 

So there is this incredible influx of energy in you and all the lightworkers around you, and certainly in this group of women (well, most of them) where you finally feel really good because you found people who share a similar energy. It is a question of inner openness, of the quality of the vibration rather than its intensity. Though intensity is certainly there. 

And you are almost all women, and this is significant because the feminine energy is driving this change, not through struggle (the fight against violence against women, the fight for this or that, women’s rights…noooo), women (or the feminine energy) are driving this change because they are emitting more and more light and this extraordinary light they emit becomes even more powerful when they find each other. 

And this group of yours is an extraordinary group, because it is emitting an infinite amount of energy, and this energy is reflected in the ether, and it is already making positive changes that you are unaware of because you cannot see them.

Everything you do directly working with people and reading their records is extraordinary, it’s what we recommend you do for those who feel call to it. But what is even more relevant from our point of view is the incredible energy that the whole group emits when you meet. And this same thing is happening all around the world at various levels with different groups of people who are meeting through commonalities, which are points of very high and very strong vibration. 

For this group is reading the Records, for others it may be qigong or other meditation techniques or practices. It doesn’t matter at all. What matters is the quality of the vibration. 

By quality of vibration we mean how much of the energy that comes from the higher planes you can incorporate into your body, internally in your cells and then emit outwards. 

You are the ones who emanate this type of vibration through your body, you are just like candles. By meeting each other you have increased your light and now you are, willingly or not, emanating this light  as you go around and meet people. 

The more you connect with the Records, the more you meditate, the more you stay in your favorite planes of dimension, the more this energy becomes stable in you and you emit it into the world. 

This is your purpose, this is the key to understanding this experience of reading the records. 

It doesn’t mean that it won’t change – but in some way you have arrived at the pinnacle, at the peak moment of your soul manifestation, that is, what you have decided to bring onto this planet before incarnating.

It’s a very intense moment, after all you are at home; when you fully express yourself in your integrity and in your deepest nature you are entirely at home, you are entirely yourself, as much as the natural limits of the human body can allow you to express. 

As you know, the human body and experience in themselves limit, make it impossible to totally express the magnitude of a soul. The soul is immense. The force of the soul would destroy the body. Just know that if all of your soul, which is infinite, would incarnate in your human body, the body would die, it would have no chance of surviving, because the body is not structured to have a totally divine experience, otherwise you would simply remain where you already were and still are, in a constant divine experience. 

We would like you to convey this message to the group, because the group must know that these are really very important things. 

So we encourage you to continue on this path and we congratulate you because we know that to get where you are, you have all faced serious difficulties, and you have had the courage to look inside yourselves, and know that you were not alone, and you’ll never be. 

Whatever doubts and difficulties you may have in carrying out this mission, we ask you to turn to us, all of you. Contact us; you can enter your records and ask for the support of your guides who are there for you. Lean on us and we will help you because we are one team, we are here together to bring into the world what you decided before incarnating in your body.

And with this for the moment we say goodbye and know that you are deeply loved.

22 dicembre 2023    

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